Драники на английском языке. Тема по английскому языку "Belarusian cuisine"

Belarusian national cuisine has evolved over the centuries. Belarusian culinary traditions represent a mix of simple recipes used by commoners and a sophisticated cuisine of the nobility, an extensive use of local ingredients and unusual way of cooking.
Old Belarusian recipes have preserved till nowadays, and interest in them amoung county’s visitors is increasing .

In restaurants with national colours you can taste not only Belarusian traditional cuisine but also exquisite dishes that were served up in residences of Belarusian magnates.
The local cuisine can be tasted in farmsteads where the cooking is often unique, common only in particular area with using only fresh farm products.
Here bread is baked according to old recipes and technologies, they cook homemade meat delicacies, cheese from cow or goat"s milk, and sweets from honey, apples and cranberries.
Today many traditional dishes are also popular in home cooking of Belarusians.
The most popular are pork stew (machanka) and vereshchaka, homemade sausages, draniki (thick potato pancakes), kolduny, kletski (dumplings), babka (baked grated potato pie), cold sorrel soup, mushroom soup...

Old Belarusian Cuisine

Belarusian cuisine was formed under the influence of two main factors:

  • active farming and extensive use of local produce;
  • influences of neighboring countries and migrant settlers
Since the times of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania the national culinary traditions have been interlaced with Baltic, Slavic, Jewish and partly German cuisines.
Therefore, Belarusian cuisine is one of the most diverse on the continent. It is similar to the Russian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Polish, Jewish, but it is unique in its own way, hearty and delicious.
In the old days, each social class had its own gastronomic traditions so that Belarusian cuisine was divided into cuisine directions: peasant and bourgeois, shlyakhta and high nobility cuisines.
In Belarusian cuisine local products are widely used:
  • vegetables and greens (cabbages, turnips, beets, carrots, parsnips, pumpkins, potatoes, cucumbers, onions and garlic, sorrel, nettle, quinoa, orpine roots)
  • pulses (beans, peas, lentils, kidney beans)
  • grains (rye, barley, oats, buckwheat)
  • mushrooms (pickled, dried, powdered)
  • fruit and berries (apples, pears, plums, cherries, currants, bilberries, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, mountain ash, viburnum, rosehip)
  • spices and dressings (caraway, coriander, linseed, horseradish, calamus, mustard, juniper, cherry and oak leaves)
Potatoes deserve a special mention: having appeared in Belarus in the XVIII century, it enriched the national cuisine and became the basis of many Belarusian dishes.
Among them there are famous draniki, kolduny, pyzy, potato sausage, kletski, babka…
For centuries Belarusians consumed limited amounts of meat, as a rule, in special meals in the form of salted and sun-dried products. With time, the meat diet expanded. The most common forms of meat were:
  • mutton
  • poultry (chicken, duck, goose, turkey)
  • game (elk, roe, boar, beaver)
Belarusian cuisine is a big variety of meat and poultry dishes (pyachysta, kumpyachok, machanka, vereshchaka, tushanka, smazhanka), all sorts of home-made sausages, salty salo, byproduct dishes (vantrabyanka, rubtsy – pork belly stuffed with meat and buckwheat porridge), smoked meat…
Belarusian cuisine is also rich in fish dishes. As a rule, it is river fish (tench, sturgeon, pike, eelpout, bream, eel, trout, perch, carp). Belarusians cooked with fish yushka, dumplings,also they made salt and smoked fish. Today restaurants serve famous "Pike Perch a la Radziwill."
The most common dairy products were curd cheese (made of cow and goat milk), sour cream, and butter. Milk is a regular ingredient of many Belarusian recipes, including all kinds of soups, porridges, mokanka.
Dishes of Belarusian villagers were always hearty, relatively simple in cooking (many dishes were prepared in the oven over low heat for a long time), but always fresh: chilled or warmed food was not served!
Nobility cuisine was more exquisite, with a big variety of products and spices, including exotic ones, and, of course, with the use of more sophisticated cooking technologies. The nobles had an opportunity to indulge themselves in such dishes as aselk lips in sugared vinegar, stuffed eel, rooster broth...

Peculiarities of Belarusian cuisine

There are special features that distinguish Belarusian cuisine from culinary traditions of many other countries, give it a local color and charm.
For example, the Belarusian cuisine is characterized by quite complicated and lengthy processing of products. It includes such methods as braising, stewing, baking, cooking, blanching and roasting, with alternation of several methods in a single recipe.
In many national dishes various kinds of flour are used - flour of oats, buckwheat, peas, rye and its mixtures.
What is more, flour is not only the main ingredient of some dishes (for example, flat cakes called perepecha, special Belarusian pancakes from various kinds of flour, thick pancakes made of peas) but also it is an additive for thickening ("zakolota" for soups). From old centuries in Belarus dough was mixed without adding yeast.

Belarusian cuisine offers a great variety of dishes with vegetables. Many of them are unique in spite of the Slavonic basis.

For instance, there are soup zhur (lean,milk or meat soup) based on oat water, polivka (thin soup with cereals and vegetables),morkva (carrot soup), gryzhanka (rutabaga soup), garbuzok (pumpkin soup) and other kinds of dishes.
A special pride of the national cuisine is traditional Belarusian bread baked from rye flour, without yeast but with a specially grown leaven. It is a very good product for healthy diet .
Belarusian bread is heavy with a pleasant little sour. In old recipes they used different dressings like caraway seeds, linseeds and sunflower seeds. Sometimes bread was baked on a ‘pillow’ of birch and oak leaves.

Belarusian cuisine today

Modern Belarusian cuisine is eclectic. It has saved and revived the old national recipes, dishes from different countries of the world become popular, too.

Today restaurants offer modern versions of traditional Belarusian dishes which reflect original ideas of chefs and principles of gourmet cuisine taking into account diversity of products and seasonal changes. You will definitely appreciate such delicious dishes as:

  • Marinated white mushrooms with vegetable oil, hot potatoes, pieces of toasted wheat bread and leek
  • Zhur with eggs, smoked meat and sour cream
  • Cutlets from buckwheat and chopped meat (grechaniki) with sour cream and leek sauce
  • Draniki with apple and sour-cream sauce
  • Meat sauce (vereshchaka) with buckwheat pancakes
  • Bigos (a dish with sour cabbage) with smoked meat, mushrooms and prunes
  • Pyachisto (large pieces of gammon)
  • Pear roasted in honey with spices (a recipe of the Radziwill family)
In the 20th century, in the times of the Soviet Union, culinary traditions of other national cuisines, like russian, ukrainian, caucasian and central asiatic cuisines, came into diet of Belarusians. In those times many West European meat dishes appeared on the menu of Belarusian restaurants and canteens.
The main changes of Belarusian cuisine during the 20th century were:
  • wheat flour and dishes from it became very popular (for centuries Belarusians used mainly rye flour)
  • appearing of salads
Nowdays in the menu of Belarusian restaurants you can find dishes both of Belarusian, European, and Asian cuisines, and modern culinary trends (wellness, fusion).
But if you are in Belarus, you must taste the national cuisine, dishes that only here can be truly Belarusian.
You will discover how delicious, interesting, and sometimes even exclusive and unpredictable Belarusian cuisine is!

Belarusian desserts

For many centuries honey was the main dessert for Belarusians. Solodukha (malt dough), kulaga (thick beverage made from berries, flour, sugar, and honey), and baked apples also were popular. Among famous recipes there are sweet pancakes with cottage cheese and pears a la Radziwill.
Today the most popular desserts are:

  • ice-cream, whipped cream
  • cakes
  • fruits and berries (apples, pears, bilberry, cranberry, strawberry)

Vodka in Belarus

Vodka (Harelka) is the most popular strong alcoholic beverage in Belarus. It appeared in the late 15th century and gradually became one of the most common types of alcohol. Belarusians drink vodka on holidays and special occasions.

Билет № 7. Belarusian Cuisine

Do you like cooking? Why (not)?

What questions will you ask a friend who has invited you to a pot-luck party?

Let’s talk about Belarusian national cuisine (food). What can you tell me about eating habits in Belarus?

Modern Belarusian cookery is based on old national traditions. Dishes from potatoes are very common in Belarusian cuisine. Potatoes are called ”the second bread” in Belarus. Potatoes are included into many salads, served together with mushrooms and meat; different pies and baked puddings are made from it. The most popular among the Belarusians are traditional draniki, thick pancakes, prepared from shredded potatoes. A lot of place in the diet of the Belarusians belongs to meat and meat products, especially to the pork and salted pork fat. The salted pork fat is used slightly smoked and seasoned with onions and garlic. Dishes prepared from meat are usually served together with potatoes or vegetables such as carrot, cabbage, black radish, peas, etc. Belarusian national cuisine also offers fresh, dried, salted and pickled mushrooms and also various berries such as bilberry, strawberries, raspberries, cranberry and some others. An integral part of any dinner is soup. It can be hot or cold. Belarusians are fond of borscht, a thick and rich beet and cabbage soup made with grains, potato and meat. The Belarusian khaladnik , a cold borscht made of beets, beet leaves and served with sour cream, hard-boiled eggs, and boiled potatoes will be pleasant on a hot summer day. Another popular Belarusian dishes are “zatsirka” and “krupnik” (soup made from cereals). Every possible salads are prepared from cabbage, carrots, beans.

Do you like cooking? Why? Why not?

A. Yes, I do. My mother is a very good cook and she taught me to cook pizza, pancakes and roast chicken.

B. In fact, I don’t like cooking. I think it’s boring. My mum does it better. I only help her in the kitchen.

C. No, to tell the truth I don’t like cooking. It takes a lot of time and frankly speaking I am not very good at cooking and my dishes are not always tasty.

What questions can you ask a friend who has invited you to a pot-luck party?

I have never been to a potluck party. It’s probably amazing. Of course I will have to find out some things beforehand:

What is the theme of your potluck party?

How many people have you invited to the party?

Are you going to make a list of dishes?

What dish shall I bring?

Where will the party take place?

Shall I bring some plates or cups?

Shall I bring some drinks?

Who else is invited to the party?

What national dishes can you recommend a tourist to taste in Belarus?

When people come from other countries they usually look for something special and traditional in this country. So I think it would be a good idea to recommend them to eat our draniki. To my mind this dish is a speciality of our country, it is delicious. You can also taste borchs and holodnik.

Can you tell me how to cook one of your favourite dishes?

Frankly speaking I am not very fond of cooking but I can tell you how to prepare draniki. First you should peel some potatoes, then you should grate them, add an egg , some flour, some salt, mix everything and make little pancakes on a frying pan. Serve your draniki hot with sour cream. Bon appetite!

Belarusian cuisine has centuries-long history, rich and interesting, and much in common with that of neighbouring Slavonic nations: Russians, Ukrainians and Poles. It’s influenced by the cuisine of Lithuania and Latvia, but has preserved its characteristics, using grain, potatoes, meat, milk and vegetables.

Belarusian cuisine widely uses potatoes , the “second bread” . Historically, potatoes were introduced to Belarus 75-90 years earlier than in Russia, and our climate facilitates the growth of many tasty varieties.

Grated potato is very common, and can be cooked in various ways, with methods combined. Belarusian cuisine often uses raw grated potato, shaped and fried: known as ‘tarkavanaja’ when used wet and ‘klinkovaja’ when drained. Mashed potato is sometimes combined with flour and baking soda. Traditional draniki (potato pancakes) enjoy great popularity, served with sour cream, fried fat (pork rinds), mushrooms and various sauces.

People also cook “buĺbianiki” (potato pies stuffed with various fillings) and “buĺbianaja babka” (potato pudding). Pig guts can be stuffed with grated potato and then fried. Boiled potatoes are eaten unpeeled, as ‘saloniki’ (eaten with salt) while stewed potatoes are called ‘tušanka’ or ‘smažaniki’.

Cabbage, carrot, peas, beans and radishes are typical of Belarusian cuisine.

“Sačni” are pancakes made with flour, given various fillings, while fried ‘skavarodniki’ are made from vinegar dough, and eaten instead of bread.

Among flour and cereal dishes, the most popular are “zacirka” (boiled dough, with milk or fat added); “kliocki” (boiled dough, served with pork rind and onion, fried in fat); “kulieš” (porridge from barley pea or bean flour); and “kulaha” (porridge from rye or wheat flour and malt, served with honey or berries).

Thickened soups prevail in Belarusian cuisine: “poliŭka” (cereal and vegetable soup); “krupienia” (thick millet soup); and «žur» (an oat porridge which should turn sour before having milk (milk žur), fat, ‘viandlina’ and other products added).

According to the proverb, there’s no tastier fish than tench and no tastier meat than pork. Pork, beef and veal are widely used in Belarusian cuisine, while fried fat is the desired dressing for various flour and potato dishes. Homemade sausages tend to be made of pork, while ‘viandlina’ is lightly smoked ham or pork loin.

Traditional meat dishes include “piačysta” : boiled, stewed or fried cuts of young pig, rabbit or poultry or a large piece of pork or beef. Meanwhile, ‘vierieščaka’ (mačanka) are short ribs and sausages, stewed in water or kvass, brewed with flour, thick sour cream and onion sauce (as served with pancakes).

To make “vantrabianka” , you boil offal, such as pig lungs, liver, hearts, kidneys or brains, before mincing and stuffing into pig intestine, to create a pudding. “Paliandvica” is baked pork with spices. “Kalduny” (potato pies) are stuffed with minced meat (or other stuffing) and spices.

Mushrooms are often used to garnish and add flavour. For instance, «žaronka» is a meat dish stewed with vegetables and mushrooms, while “kapusnik” is a cabbage soup with mushrooms.

Kvass is a popular non-alcoholic drink, coming in several varieties: “biarozаvik” is kvass from birch juice, while “klianovik” uses maple juice, and “miadavucha” is made from honey, with fermented berries and herbs. “Zbicień” is a hot drink from honey and spices.

It should be noted that the most traditional national Belarusian dishes don’t use special ingredients. Rather, it"s the way that dishes are made that"s important: roasting, boiling, and stewing. Semi-liquid and semi-thick dishes are traditional for Belarusian cuisine, and serving dishes are often made from clay earthenware.

There are 12,179 cafes and restaurants operating at present in Belarus, seating 763,000. Of these, 7,599 are located in public places (seating 362,000).

Just 220 restaurants and cafes specialise in Belarusian national cuisine, and forty-five of these are found in Minsk. ‘Buĺbianaja’ café, ‘Kaliada’ café and ‘Buĺbaš’ café are located in the Mahilioŭskaja voblasć, while ‘Liamus’ restaurant, ‘Rodny Kut’ restaurant, ‘Usadba’ café and ‘Zadvinnie’ café are in the Viciebskaja voblasć. ‘Staroje Vriemia’ restaurant is well-known in Homieĺ, while ‘Ahinski’ restaurant, ‘Kamianica’ café, ‘U Francyska’ café, ‘Talaka’ bar, and ‘Kuchmistr’ restaurant are found in Minsk.

Not only their menus but their décor and utensils reflect our national cuisine traditions. In fact, all public catering sites are required to serve some national dishes (unless the establishment specialises in foreign cuisine).

Aiming to popularise our dishes, the Week of Belarusian Cuisine is held regularly, with restaurants and cafes offering national dishes, cooked to traditional recipes, using age-old methods. Every establishment is then obliged to charge the same price for the dish, regardless of the restaurant or café.

Mushroom soup and Belarusian soup are very popular, as are ‘zacirka’, ‘kapusnik’, ‘draniki’, ‘mačanka’ (a meat-based stew), ‘buĺbianaja babka’ (potato pudding), ‘mannik’ (manna cake), ‘buĺbianiki’, ‘vierieščaka’ and potato kliocki.

Draniki is one of the most popular dishes in Ukraine. Love them and constantly cooking many Housewives.

Pancakes with cabbage in Ukrainian

One of the favorite national dishes of Ukrainian potato pancakes. This dish is served to the festive table and the usual family dinner. Cooking potato pancakes - a simple process that does not take much time.


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • sauerkraut - 300 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • wheat flour - 100 grams;
  • milk - 200 grams;
  • greens;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Method of preparation

Potatoes wash, peel and grate on a coarse grater into a separate bowl. Gently squeeze to remove excess juice.
Sauerkraut to press down with hands that are softer. Add to the potatoes. There may be hammered in chicken eggs.
Onion finely chop, to attach to other components. Pour the prepared milk, add the flour. Salt.
The mixture should be not too runny, but not thick. To bring it to the desired consistency, gradually adding milk or flour.
In a pan heat the vegetable oil. You may want to add a little fat or butter.
Potatoes to score a tablespoon and place on a pan. Each dranik be pressed to become flat. Fry for 3-4 minutes on each side, the tracking, so it wouldn"t burn.
Served pancakes with greens and sour cream.
Bon appetit!


Драники - одно из самых распространенных блюд на Украине. Их любят и постоянно готовят многие хозяйки.

Драники с капустой по-украински

Одно из любимейших национальных блюд украинцев - драники. Это блюдо подается и к праздничному столу, и на обычный семейный ужин. Приготовление драников - несложный процесс, который не займет много времени.


  • картофель - 1 килограмм;
  • капуста квашеная - 300 грамм;
  • яйцо куриное - 2 штуки;
  • лук - 1 головка;
  • пшеничная мука - 100 грамм;
  • молоко - 200 грамм;
  • зелень;
  • соль;
  • растительное масло для жарки.

Способ приготовления

Картофель вымыть, очистить и натереть на крупной терке в отдельную посуду. Слегка отжать, чтобы удалить лишний сок.
Квашеную капусту обмять руками, чтобы на стала мягче. Добавить к картофелю. Туда же вбить куриные яйца.
Луковицу мелко нашинковать, присоединить к остальным компонентам. Влить подготовленное молоко, всыпать муку. Посолить.
Масса должна получиться не слишком жидкая, но и не густая. Довести ее до нужной консистенции можно постепенно добавляя молоко или муку.
В сковороде раскалить растительное масло. К нему можно добавить немного жира или сливочного масла.
Картофель набирать столовой ложкой и выкладывать на сковороду. Каждый драник прижать, чтобы он стал плоским. Обжаривать по 3-4 минуты с каждой стороны, отслеживая, чтобы ничего не пригорало.
Подаются драники с зеленью и сметаной.
Приятного аппетита!

Сочинение на английском языке Белорусская еда/ Belarusian Food с переводом на русский язык

На английском языке. Belarusian Food
Belarusian cuisine is considered to be one of the most diverse cuisines in Europe. It has been largely influenced by Baltic, Slavic and even partially German cuisines. Traditional dishes of this country mainly consist of vegetables, meats and breads. Today, visitors of Belarus can try peasant cuisine of the countryside as well as the sophisticated dishes for the nobility. A traditional peasant meal has included a soup and a main course. One of the most delicious Belarusian soups is called “khaladnik”. It’s a cold type of borscht, which is mainly eaten in summer. This beetroot soup is eaten with sour cream. Potato is the main ingredient of many dishes. It is known as the second bread of Belarusians. Perhaps, everyone has heard of “draniki”. These are thick pancakes made of shredded potatoes. Meat is also widely used in Belarusian cuisine, especially pork. One of the traditional holiday dishes is called “pyachysta”. It is a delicious stew made of large chunks of pork or beef. Slightly smoked salty pork with onions and garlic is also popular. Most meat dishes in this country are served with potatoes or other vegetables. Historically, Belarus has little access to any type of seafood however there are some special fish-based dishes. For example, “yushka” - a fish soup boiled without any seasonings. In general, seasonings are not very popular in Belarusian cuisine. The most famous hard drink in Belarus is “harelka”. It’s similar to Russian vodka, but can be flavored with birch sap or forest herbs. Other traditional Belarusian drinks include kvass, beer, myadukha, etc. Traditional desserts, that are famous far beyond the country, are sweet pancakes with cottage cheese.

Перевод на русский язык. Белорусская еда
Белорусская кухня считается одной из самых разнообразных кухонь в Европе. На нее в значительной степени повлияли балтийские, славянские и даже частично немецкие кухни. Традиционные блюда этой страны в основном состоят из овощей, мяса и хлеба. Сегодня посетители Беларуси могут попробовать как крестьянскую кухню сельской местности, так и изысканные блюда для дворянства. Традиционная крестьянская еда включала суп и основное блюдо. Один из самых вкусных белорусских супов называется «холодник». Это холодная разновидность борща, которую в основном едят летом. Этот свекольный суп едят со сметаной. Картофель является основным ингредиентом многих блюд. Он известен как второй хлеб белорусов. Возможно, каждый слышал о «драниках». Это оладьи из измельченного картофеля. Мясо также широко используется в белорусской кухне, особенно свинина. Одно из традиционных праздничных блюд называется «пячысты». Это аппетитное тушеное мясо, приготовленное из больших кусков свинины или говядины. Слегка копченая соленая свинина с луком и чесноком также популярна. Большинство мясных блюд в этой стране подаются с картофелем или другими овощами. Исторически сложилось так, что Беларусь имеет ограниченный доступ к любым морепродуктам, однако есть и специальные рыбные блюда. Например, «юшка» - уха, которую готовят без каких-либо приправ. В целом, приправы не очень приветствуются в белорусской кухне. Самый известный крепкий напиток в Беларуси - это «горилка». Она похожа на русскую водку, но может быть приправлена березовым соком или лесными травами. К другим традиционным белорусским напиткам относятся квас, пиво, мядуха и т.д. Традиционный десерт, который известен далеко за пределами страны, это сладкие блинчики с творогом.